Hi Everyone! I'm Lindsey K Porter

I am a wife and mother of 4 children, and a woman of faith trying to figure out how to minimize frustration, overwhelm and guilt, and replace them with love, gratitude and joy!

I was an exhausted wife, mother and financial provider for my family while trying to be the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect provider all of which came with my high expectations and other high pressures. I struggled with making my life work for me! Everything was JUST SO HARD! 

My marriage felt like a sham because on a repeat loop I'd hear my husband say, "I can't do ANYTHING to make you HAPPY" or "Damned if I do, damned if I don't - there is no pleasing you!".  

Then there was the fact I was NEVER going to win the "Mother of the year" award with all of my yelling, correcting and directing! My ability to be present, not to mention patient or kind, with my children felt like an impossible feat! 

I was DONE! Done with my unhappy life, done with my disconnected marriage and done with the person I was!  
Over the years I have been on a path of becoming aligned with who I really am and embracing my divine nature. It has been through this personal development journey that I have been able to transform my marriage and improve my ability to parent my children with love and grace.  I get to enjoy my children, love my husband exactly as he is and enrich other meaningful relationships in my life! 

Today, I have the honor of helping people achieve the results they desire in all their relationships. The strategies and tools I teach are the ones that have helped me transform my life and relationship while deepening my relationship with my Savior and Heavenly Father.
I know my journey of on-going learning, life experience and personal relationship transformations have prepared me to support others desiring similar results.
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